These books by Dr. Sheila S Walker present new perspectives redefining the Global African Diaspora and its relationships with Africa.

African Roots/American Cultures: Africa in the Creation of the Americas

This volume challenges outdated views of Africans' roles throughout the Americas, and provides information that reconceptualizes the Atlantic world. It features leaders of lesser known African Diasporan societies as well as internationally known scholarly authorities.

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In the documentaries to the right and below, Dr. Walker talks about the African demographics and development of the Americas and the unsuspected Pan-American presence of African Diaspora communities and culture.

Sheila discusses the book in the video below


This is an exciting and imaginative volume, as Sheila S Walker has succeeded in stimulating an insightful and provocative conversation among scholars and cultural leaders from all over the African Diaspora, uniquely informed by both recent research as well as lived experience. Topics both historical and contemporary, from the [African] Burial Ground to Carnaval, are explored often through the lens of multidisciplinarity, bring the African Diaspora into much sharper focus. A splendid and much-needed contribution.
Dr. Michael A. Gomez
Historian, New York University, Founder of the Association for the Study of the Worldwide African Diaspora (ASWAD)

African Roots/American Cultures: Africa in the Creation of the Americas, CBS Interview by JC Hayward

This CBS broadcast on “JC and Friends on 9News” featured an interview by acclaimed media personality JC Hayward, the first female television news anchor in Washington, DC. It focused on my book “African Roots/American Cultures: Africa in the Creation of the Americas,” and a presentation of my documentary, “Scattered Africa: Faces and Voices of the African Diaspora,” that complements the book. It was followed by a book signing at TransAfrica, then an influential African American lobby for Africa and the Caribbean.

Generando Conocimiento Desde Adentro, Barlovento, Venezuela

Esta reunión inicial en Barlovento, Venezuela, condujo al libro que coordiné, “Conocimiento desde adentro: Los afrosudamericanos hablan de sus pueblos y sus historias”. En él, los afrosudamericanos de los nueve países de habla español escribieron sobre sus propias comunidades y sus roles en sus naciones. Invité al investigador afrovenezolano Jesús Chucho García a colaborar en el proyecto que nos permitió generar este aporte pionero al conocimiento.

Conhecimento desde dentro: Os afro-sul-americanos falam de seus povos e suas histórias

Este livro é o primeiro que gera conhecimento sobre a diáspora africana sul-americana de língua espanhola "desde dentro,” da perspectiva de ativistas intelectuais afrodescendentes da Argentina, Bolívia, Colômbia, Chile, Equador, Paraguai, Peru, Uruguai e Venezuela.

Nova Edição em Breve

No vídeo à direita, Dra Walker compartilha com os afro-brasileiros informações sobre seus vizinhos de língua espanhola, bem como novas perspectivas de autoanálise “desde dentro.”

Sheila fala do seu livro no vídeo abaixo

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Sin conocernos, nos reconoceremos . . .

Nicolás Guillén, Afro-Cuban poet

Without knowing each other, we will recognize each other . . .

Nicolás Guillén, Afro-Cuban poet

My Story

I’m a recovering academic. As a cultural anthropologist I’ve written lots of scholarly articles and some books about the Global African Diaspora and its African roots.

Now I’m writing about my experiences traveling around the world learning about other cultures firsthand. My adolescent journey to live with a family in Cameroon in Central Africa on my first trip outside the United States taught me about the African heritage of my African American culture, let me know we were part of the larger African Diaspora, and put me on a path of further discovery. I’m writing a memoir about how profoundly that first stay in Africa influenced me and became the foundation of so many of my attitudes and activities.

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